的 道成肉身的大学 (UIW) is committed to providing educational opportunities to students from all backgrounds, 无论经济状况如何. We encourage our students to seek additional scholarships to finance their education through community organizations and foundations or access the opportunities listed below. 的 申请奖学金指引(PDF) 能帮助学生入门吗.
一定是女高中生吧, 本科, 或在德州大学注册的研究生, 考虑从事公共财政工作.
Parents selected for a 联合劝募儿童奖学金 must meet the following criteria: Pursuing an associate or 本科’s degree for the first time; enrolled a minimum of 12 hours if not also working (minimum of 6 hours per semester if working a minimum of 19 hours per week); committed to maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.5; have demonstrated financial need; not enrolled in any subsidized child care program; and is a citizen or legal resident of the United States and a resident of Bexar County.
对来自米德兰的德克萨斯医学院的学生开放, 敖德萨, 二叠纪盆地, 或者西德克萨斯. 医生的子女没有资格申请.
新布朗费尔斯MLK协会 (非传统奖学金)
申请人必须居住在新布朗费尔斯或科马尔县的城市范围内, Texas; be 25 years or older in age at time of application; intend to be a full-time or part-time student enrolled in a school in order to acquire the skills to become more financially independent; and be accepted to an accredited school or college and provide supporting documentation from the institution.
申请人必须目前就读于hacu成员机构. 对攻读学位(副学士)的学生开放, 本科, 主, 博士学位),这将导致职业生涯的临床专业人员,可能包括医生, 医师助理, 护士, 注册护士助产士, 护士, 药剂师, 牙医, 社会工作者, 成瘾的辅导员, 临床心理学家, 或相关临床专业. 开放给本科生(分为大二或大三)和研究生. 在申请时, students must have at least (2) two years of study remaining before their anticipated degree completion date. 必须是全日制学生. 平均绩点不低于3分.0或更高. 认为自己是西班牙裔/拉丁裔, 黑色/非裔美国人, Native American/ Alaska Native or Asian or is focused on the health of these communities or other underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.
Pat and Dorothy (Lehr) Legan奖学金
Offered to provide financial support to students who demonstrate financial need and have a commitment to learning in order to make a worthy contribution to society.
Applicants to the AIAS基金会奖学金 must intend to pursue a career or be working as an early professional in any aspect of game development including but not limited to: art, 动画, 编程, 工程, 游戏的方向, 游戏设计, 声音设计, 法律, 市场营销, 工商管理. 请参阅网站了解完整的资格详情.
Applicants to the WomenIn奖学金 must identify as women intending to pursue or working as an early professional in a 游戏开发中的技术职业 包括:美术、动画、编程和工程. 请参阅网站了解完整的资格详情.
Applicants to the 女生游戏奖学金 must discuss their impact in helping empower and educate girls and young women on the various roles within the gaming industry with the purpose of driving and normalizing gender diversity within gaming. Applicants MUST intend to pursue a career or be working as an early professional (within their first two years in the industry) in any aspect of the 游戏开发业务 包括但不限于:法律, 公共关系/市场营销, 企业管理, 人力资源. 请参阅网站了解完整的资格详情.
如果您正在追求游戏开发技术方面的职业生涯,请在 WomenIn奖学金.
hau: Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro奖学金
所有专业开放. 必须就读于四年制HACU成员院校. 开放给本科生和研究生. 必须是全日制学生. 必须是西班牙裔或拉丁裔(古巴人, 墨西哥, 波多黎各, 南美洲或中美洲, 或其他西班牙文化/血统).
Designed to support college-bound women of Hispanic/Latino heritage in attaining higher education through participation in mentoring, 领导, 为大学做好准备并提供大学奖学金机会. 必须注册免费的Zoom课程才能获得奖学金申请.
2023 - 2024五年级会计奖学金
向证明有经济需要的德州居民开放 FAFSA and need 30 or fewer hours to complete the 150 semester hours education requirement to take the CPA examination in Texas. 还必须提交 意向书的适用 参加德州公共会计委员会的注册会计师考试.
Open to Pell-eligible students whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty while performing as a public safety officer. Students must have also been less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of their parent’s or guardian’s death.
对高中毕业的学生开放, 目前就读于hacu成员机构在美国.S. 或者波多黎各, 已在该hacu成员机构完成大学第一学期的学习, intend to enroll at an HACU-member institution in the spring of 2024 or fall of 2024 (varies by scholarship), 并证明经济需要(如果奖学金赞助商要求的话). 截止日期因奖学金而异.
Merit scholarships are awarded by the Office of 招生 to full-time Broadway campus 本科 students. 查找有关uw优秀奖学金的更多信息.
的 道成肉身的大学 offers a number of scholarships to international 本科 students seeking their first degree. 联系 国际招生办公室 了解更多信息.
- 留学美国经济援助指南.S. (PDF)
来自拉丁美洲或加勒比地区的学生可以找到奖学金列表, 奖助金, 奖学金和贷款, 由 罗基金 美洲国家组织(美洲国家组织). 70多年来 罗基金 为在美国上大学的学生提供无息贷款.S. 补充其他资金来源.
通过uw捐赠奖学金计划, UIW is able to offer a wide variety of scholarship opportunities to students of high academic and/or artistic ability. 这些捐赠是由于威斯康星大学校友和朋友的慷慨和承诺而成为可能的. 捐赠奖学金申请每年1月开始,截止日期为4月.
时尚管理奖学金: 尤伦·沙利文时尚管理中心(Juren Sullivan Center for Fashion Management)在春季颁发几项奖学金. 奖学金将在红裙时装秀上公布. 这些奖学金一般从500美元到1500美元不等. 欲了解更多信息并查看过去颁发的奖学金列表,请访问 时尚系奖学金网页.
表演及美术奖学金: Students interested in performing and fine arts scholarships should contact the designated department for information on auditions and performance dates.
部门 | 联系人 | 电话号码 | 网站 |
美术 | 米格尔丝膜 | (210) 829-3861 | View Art奖学金 |
军乐队 | Nieves学校 | (210) 829-3855 | View Band奖学金 |
音乐 | 比尔Gokelman | (210) 829-3855 | View音乐奖学金 |
剧院 | 马克·斯特林汉姆 | (210) 829-3805 | View戏剧奖学金 |
的re are several scholarship programs that provide health professional students with financial support in exchange for a commitment to serve medically underserved areas. 大多数卫生资源和服务管理奖学金都有服务要求. 如果没有达到服务要求,奖学金将恢复为贷款。. 在你申请奖学金之前,一定要查看奖学金的要求.
- 护士团奖学金计划
的 护士团奖学金计划 provides nursing students with financial support in exchange for a commitment to serve at least two years in a qualifying 护士 Corps site. 作为接受这个项目的条件, 毕业后必须在严重短缺设施工作. 对美国开放.S. 参加护理学位课程的公民和永久居民. - 国家卫生服务团奖学金计划
国家卫生服务团奖学金计划支付学费, fees and other educational costs and provides a stipend in exchange for a commitment to work for two years at an approved NHSC site. 要获得资格,您必须在以下卫生学科之一工作:- 医生
- 牙医
- 护士
- 护士助产士
- 医师助理
- 夏威夷原住民健康奖学金计划(NHHSP)
的 NHHSP provides scholarships to Native Hawaiians pursuing careers in primary and behavioral health disciplines. 该项目支付学费,每月提供津贴,并支付相关的学校费用. Students must serve in a medically underserved area within the state of Hawaii immediately after graduation/licensure for every year of funding that the student receives with a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years.
威斯康星大学参加美国大学体育协会南部分区的比赛. 奖学金由每个项目的教练颁发. 有关体育奖学金的信息, 与体育办公室联系,电话:(210)829-2722或访问 田径主页.
奖学金搜索引擎: 除了他们获得的任何uw奖励外,鼓励学生申请外部奖学金. 有免费的搜索引擎,学生可以使用它来找到更多的机会.
后备军官训练队奖学金: 对ROTC奖学金感兴趣的学生,请访问 参加后备役军官训练军团的网站 有关该计划,奖学金和要求的更多信息.
军事折扣: 合格的军人学生和家属可能有资格获得学费折扣. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 uw商务办事处.
退伍军人教育福利: 的 UIW Military and Veteran Center can assist students using educational benefits under the 部门 of Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Assistance Programs in the pursuit of their educational goals. 参观 军事和退伍军人中心的网站 寻求帮助并了解更多 经验丰富的资源.
- 即将入学的本科生:麦克拉肯校友推荐奖学金(MARS), UIW前5%奖学金,UIW直接录取奖学金
- 即将入学的研究生: Tuition discounts for Delta Mu Delta members and 本科 students accepted to a graduate program
- 国际新生: UIW国际奖学金
- 返回的学生:升级你的助学金
- UIW学生出国旅游:全球旅行体验奖(GET
百老汇大街4301号,CPO 308号
请将学生的姓名和身份证号码(如果知道的话)连同奖学金支票一起提交. 如果你是一个外部奖励的接受者,请通知我们的办公室在 finaid@uiwtx.edu.